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Title: Are coilovers a good mod for improving the handling of the Dodge Charger?
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I’ve been debating whether or not to install coilovers on my Charger, but I’m on the fence about it. I love the idea of better handling, especially around corners, but I’m wondering if the investment is really worth it. I’ve heard they can make a big difference, but I’m also curious how much they affect the ride quality. Is it going to make daily driving less comfortable, or is the improved handling totally worth the trade-off? I’d also like to know if anyone's noticed a significant difference in stance or ride height after installing them. Are there any particular brands you guys recommend, or should I steer clear of certain ones? Lastly, how difficult is the install for someone who’s moderately handy with tools? Any feedback from fellow Charger owners who’ve made the switch would be awesome!

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